Natural Products Science Certificate
Increase your knowledge and awareness in nutraceuticals or medical cannabis to help others.
Become a healthcare leader in medical cannabis or nutraceuticals
Gain specialized knowledge in the field of natural product sciences to provide better and more comprehensive care to your patients. A higher level of expertise in medical cannabis and herbal medicines can help introduce new treatment options for patients with more confidence. This certificate can secure a greater role for you in healthcare settings as a trusted resource with other providers and patients.
Study the history, trends, benefits, and risks of medical cannabis.
Study the history, and the scope and development of plant-based healthcare products.
Choose only one area of study for this online certificate, medical cannabis or nutraceuticals. Each specialization is a 4-course sequence (12 credits total) that presents relevant, emerging, and thought-provoking information to healthcare providers and other professionals in the field.
Medical Cannabis Courses
- History of Medical Cannabis in the World
- Cannabis Science
- Clinical Efficacy of Cannabis
- Cannabis in the Interprofessional Setting
Nutraceuticals Courses
- Classification and Scope
- Discovery and Development Processes
- Science of Distribution
- Business Aspects
The faculty in this program have expertise in microbiology, toxicology, pharmacy, and cannabinoid pharmacology. Our comprehensive curriculum will help you develop a better understanding of the history, trends, therapeutic benefits, and adverse effects for medical cannabis and other natural medicines. The use of herbal supplements and alternative plant-based treatments continues to increase and it is imperative that patients and providers are well-informed when making healthcare decisions.
Program Details
- 100% online program
- Select one specialization (medical cannabis or nutraceuticals)
- BA or BS is required to earn this certificate
- Start date is July 2023
- Online
Entrance requirements
- An awarded Bachelor of Science (BS) from an accredited higher-education institution
- An undergraduate degree, such as a Bachelor of Arts (BA), or other undergrad degree, will also be considered by admissions and the program director.
- This program has a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.00. (Students below a 3.00 may still be reviewed for consideration.)
Admissions process for graduate school
- Application form available at
- Select the Non-Degree option
- One page essay which should include your reason for obtaining this certificate and how it will help you achieve your professional and personal goals.
- Current résumé of your education and employment experience
- Two letters of recommendation using this Recommendation Form
- Official transcripts from all institutions of higher education
Accepted into the program
- An official acceptance letter will be emailed to you that will include your Student ID number
- An email from your Admissions Counselor will be sent to you with Next-Step details
- Password information will be sent separately from the Information Technology office which will provide you access to Blackboard, your Concordia email account, and your student portal
- Academic Advising Appointment: Once admitted, you may schedule to meet with the Program Director who will review your degree plan, discuss orientation steps, the CUW student portal, and assist with registering for classes
Please note:
- Graduate entrance exams such as the GRE, are not required
- If you have completed graduate level classes in the last seven years and wish to have them evaluated for possible transfer, please contact your admissions counselor for more information
- Uncommon Scholarships: If you meet qualifications, please complete an application Uncommon Scholarship
Graduate Admission Office at or 262-243-4300.